Sunday, January 16, 2011

-20 C and counting...

it 's been COLD here to say the least. there hasn't been a lot of snow (i guess that is all relative. looking at the picture it looks like there is ; ) but it has been making drifts that are almost nearly impossible to shovel...
this one took 2 hours, 2 broken shovels and it made a reappearance the next morning.
a little frustrating but it comes with the territory i guess!

nothing of the sewing nature going on around here lately, but i have been renovating my husbands office with him. adding bead board, tearing out baseboard heating... all that FUN stuff!
this is what it looks like with kids under foot...

i have to say that they were excellent sports about the whole thing. no fighting and just a little complaining. we're almost done. i'll put up some before and after pics soon... it looks SO much better.


  1. It sure is cold... it is -23 today. I stayed in, there was no way I was going out there...It took me 3 days to shovel out from our snow storm that hit on Saturday. Well I hope that you are keeping warm as they do say it is suppose to warm up here sometime...

  2. I'm getting tired of this cold. Hopefully the chinook makes it's appearance soon.
    and you're a brave woman to tackle that with the kids around! Can't wait to see before and after pics
