today is the day that i was born... 30 years ago.
i've always thought that i had an "old soul" so i guess you could say that my body is just catching up! i'm excited to be 30, i've been reflecting this morning on what has happened in my 20's. when your living it, you don't feel like much is going on. but when you reflect back on your life you realize just how far you have come and how much you have accomplished. here is my list of all the things that have gone on in my 20's:
* i met my husband. actually to tell you the truth he brought me 10 yellow roses and 10 red roses on my 20th birthday.
(should i expect 30 this year??? ; )
* we were married in July that same year.
* i use to make bbq'd chicken and rice for every meal. (thank goodness i'm a better cook!)
* i had my first baby when i was 21. (it's a little scary having your first. your not quite sure what to expect. he was a beautiful, happy baby)
* my second child came almost a year to the day after the first. (i felt more relaxed when he came. he cried for the first 8 months, but he has definitely made up for that in the past 7 years)
* we moved to St. George
* moved back
* moved to Lethbridge
* my third child came when i was 23.
(i know it happened fast but i look back and i wouldn't have wanted it any other way. i had a beautiful red headed baby girl. she was a dream baby. the kind you need when you have a 1 and 2 year old running around the house ; )
* we made a move so that my husband could start up his own Insurance Brokerage.
* my children started school. (not all at once but it happened so fast sometimes it feels like it)
* my 4th came when i was 27. (what a sweet baby he was. i think we realized that kids grow up so fast that we just tried to soak up every moment with him)
* we made a move into a house that we built. (it feels much more like home)
* worked on my sisters online fabric store with her. (i learned a lot, but it got overwhelming for us at the end)
* i bought my first sewing machine not even a year ago. (before then i was borrowing my moms. thanks mom ; )
* i started this blog almost a year ago.
* i am pregnant with my 5th child due to arrive in May. (i always wanted to be finished having children before i was 30, i missed it by a few months but i came pretty dang close! i'm SO excited for this little bundle to arrive!)
TODAY i get to go out to BANFF (national park) and spend a night out there with my husband. he asked me what i wanted for my birthday but i think having a night of relaxation and fun with him is the best present ever! (thanks jess and grandpa tom for watching the kiddo's!)
i look forward to being 30. i feel like it is going to be years full of raising children, working on personal goals and just enjoying life in the moment because what i think you don't really realize in your twenty's (or at least i didn't) is that life can pass you by if your not fully living it.
30 flirty and thriving...
30 feels pretty good : )